The Arts & Sports Summer Camp, presented by the Tett Centre for the Creativity and Learning and Queens Athletics & Recreation, took place last week, July 15-19, 2024. This year, we had 24 children ages 8 to 12. They spent their mornings at Queens ARC playing sports and swimming. Then, the children walked over to the Tett Centre for an afternoon of art-making activities led by many Tett groups. The KINGSTON POTTERS’ GUILD participated again this year and taught two afternoons of pottery. It was a blast! Linda Fraser walked the children through techniques of pinch pots, coil-making, attaching clay to clay, and painting.
In contrast, the children seem to remind and teach us how to be confident, with their inhibitions and imagination running wild throughout the process! Not once did we hear, “I can’t, or I don’t have an artistic talent” as we often hear in adult classes. Here is the class and some of the incredible creations.